![]() I've been so busy helping prep the Spring CAFTCAD Movie Wardrobe Sale that I forgot to post it on my own blog! As the new CAFTCAD President I'm very proud of what our organization has evolved into and these much anticipated sales have created quite a buzz around town. This bi-annual sale begun back in 2008 when a few CAFTCAD Costume Designers wanted to offload some of their 'kit'. Costume/wardrobe kits are the wonderful pieces we pick up over time left over from various shows we do. From odd fabrics, jewelry, out of date magazines, feather boas, 1960's dress pants to contemporary dress shirts in multiples, we often collect pieces we believe/want/hope we'll use again on another show. I personally have my Mother's attic full of such treasures and gratefully have re-used them again and again. Nonetheless, sometime we have to purge and we decided selling them to the film community and general public was the way to go. I set up a rack of groovy clothes from my closet, my husband did the graphics and the above postcard was created. We were generously offered the Toronto Film Studios to have the sale and it was a great success. Since that time, Toronto costume houses such as The Liberty Wardrobe House, The Ian Drummond Collection and Berman and Co. have joined us as well as costumers, vintage dealers and wholesalers. Shows such as Covert Affairs, Degrassi, My Babysitter is a Vampire, Flash of Genius and others have sold off their costumes in the past.
I adore that this event also has such a reunion feeling to it as I see the same customers each sale as well as good friends from the film industry. It's also a great place to network as I hired my awesome intern because she volunteered to stay and sweep the entire studio at the end of the day. I took her card and called her when the right project came up. Taking place this Saturday May 25th, 9 AM to 5 PM at Toronto Pinewood Studios, 225 Commissioners Ave. Entrance from Bouchette Street. $5 Admission. Partial proceeds to support The Actor's Fund of Canada. Seniors, Children and CAFTCAD Members enter free. Free Parking. I'll be there until noon so I hope to see you there, as well I hope I score some great pieces for my latest show before you get to them first :)
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JosyJust love dressing up, dressing other people up and talking about it. A lot. And laughing too. Categories
June 2020