Stay With Me (2011)
This drama follows a sexy mother of two as she embarks on a journey of reinvention as a junior at a top Toronto law firm. Battling competitive younger associates, she rediscovers life after marriage while calling upon her mother’s intuition to help her rescue her clients.
1 hour Pilot for CTV
Sarrazin Couture Entertainment, produced by Suzette Couture, Pierre Sarrazin and Jonathan Hackett.
Directed by Tim Southam
Production Design Matthew Davies
Director of Photography Francois Dagenais
Starring Andrea Roth, Helene Joy, Torrance Combs, and Peter Stebbings.
Watch it the pilot here
1 hour Pilot for CTV
Sarrazin Couture Entertainment, produced by Suzette Couture, Pierre Sarrazin and Jonathan Hackett.
Directed by Tim Southam
Production Design Matthew Davies
Director of Photography Francois Dagenais
Starring Andrea Roth, Helene Joy, Torrance Combs, and Peter Stebbings.
Watch it the pilot here