M.E.G.O is a live action science fiction short film that blurs the line between a child’s innocence and the grim nature of survival. It is an adaptation from the mind-blowing graphic novel called Trenches.
I had an awesome and creative experience working with Alex Jordan on this shirt film in the fall of 2013. Bringing many of my good friends and costumers together to make this dirty project happen.
Producer and Director Alex Jordan
Director of Photography Jason Webber
Assistant Costume Designer Samantha Rice
Wardrobe Artsits and Breakdown Artists Adam Smith, Karynah Zeh, Jennifer Bunt, Daniel Sadaba, Danielle Dee Jarrett-Fisch
Set Assistants Ofeilia Liu, Alan Chau
Film is not yet released
I had an awesome and creative experience working with Alex Jordan on this shirt film in the fall of 2013. Bringing many of my good friends and costumers together to make this dirty project happen.
Producer and Director Alex Jordan
Director of Photography Jason Webber
Assistant Costume Designer Samantha Rice
Wardrobe Artsits and Breakdown Artists Adam Smith, Karynah Zeh, Jennifer Bunt, Daniel Sadaba, Danielle Dee Jarrett-Fisch
Set Assistants Ofeilia Liu, Alan Chau
Film is not yet released
These are some fitting photos before breakdown
Just off camera
This might be the funniest fitting photo I have ever been a part of.